Engine Alliance services come with a pedigree of reliability from a partnership with 188 years of combined experience. We’ve created more than the engine for the world’s largest airliner. We create the greatest potential for your market growth.

Committed to Keeping the A380 Flying.

The Engine Alliance (EA) is a 50-50 joint venture of General Electric Co. (NYSE:GE) and Pratt & Whitney of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX). Engine Alliance formed with one goal: Power the Airbus A380. In the beginning, that meant building engines. Now times have changed – and we’ve changed to meet them.

A Turn for the Better.

For decades, we’ve offered our operators the largest global support network in the industry. But now, we’ve made that network the core of our business. Imagine – field service teams in 100+ cities worldwide, refocused and recommitted to one goal: Keeping the A380 airborne.

Our Goal: Your Growth.

Our mission is to make the A380 the star of your fleet.The EA applies the industry-leading expertise of EA partner companies MTU Aero Engines, Snecma (SAFRAN) and Techspace Aero (SAFRAN), and incorporates the latest technologies from GE and Pratt & Whitney.

Company Leadership